Saturday, 19 November 2011

Task 2d: Inquiry

Common themes and possible lines of enquiry to take forward from my Blog and reflective journal.

I found so many of the points that came out of my review interesting. I asked myself the questions which were suggested in the Module handbook:
What in my industry do I Love or what makes me Excited, Sad, Angry, Confused.

This is what came out, although it may look a lot it has been condensed already.

Finding my own voice
My new daily planner
Being the front runner or trend setter

Helping others and the idea of teaching others to better learn yourself
The Beliefs that people hold true
The “Another point of View” writing style

Being told what I can/can’t do, being limited by people/situations

That I still let thinking/over analysing get in the way of doing
That I’m still making the same mistakes as last year
Not always being honest with my feelings/self

Why I think that being busier is better, Quantity over Quality?
What makes me push so hard/discontented?
Why do people self sabotage?
Why do I have Academic writing issues?
What do I want? What would I regret not having done if I died?
Why do people link self worth with failure/success, why are mistakes bad to some, not others?
Why am I resistant to change/close minded, why must I have all answers before I start things?
Why am I all questions and no answers, What does this mean, How can I use it?
Living in the now compared with planning for the future and controlling your present?

From this I have a leaning towards:
Finding my own voice – Who will listen, What do I want to say, How will I use it?

My new daily planner – How it developed, how it works, how to improve it, if it works for others.

Why do people think that busier is better - busy fools as the expression goes, rather than productive.

Why are some people more affected by failure and why does failure/ success define some people and not others.

Living in the now compared with planning for the future and controlling your present? – The balance of these I have wrestled with all my life.

The people who inspire me/I admire in these arenas are:

Anthony Robbins – Life coach and international motivational speaker

Richard Branson  - Entrepreneur and visionary

Simon Zutshi - property expert and friend

Ekhart Tolle – Author of “The power of now”

Oprah Winfrey - business woman and talk show host

I hope to find other people who inspire as I explore these fields further.

Let me know if you are interested in any of the topics I have mentioned above or any of the material you see/hear on the above links. I would love to know if you like any of it.

Stay safe – Phil


  1. Why do people self sabotage?- Totally agree with you! I asked (in my notes) Why do other people sabotage you?? I'll check out your links tomorrow. Thanks Phil!

    Ps. I thought you might like to order some cupcakes as mini gifts for your guests(in case the cake runs out). I have a friend who does them. (just a suggestion, there are more available)

  2. Hi Phil,
    I was wondering if you could elaborate regarding your new daily planner? I have also come up with some strategies around my daily planning and organising. I'm really interested to see what you have come up with?
