Friday 16 December 2011

Task 3c: Sources of information

Top 5 sources
Methods I currently use to gather and organize information

Diary/daily planner
Without my pocket daily planner/diary I would be totally lost. In it is written every appointment, engagement as well as my to do lists for that day (Click on: My Useful Daily planner, for more in depth information on it). It is a space to dump things to remember, notes and to capture ideas. Without it my brain would probably explode. I don’t know why, with all the technology there is now-a-days I still use a paper planner (it doesn’t sync up with my laptop, more difficult to make alterations, another thing to carry round). It has just one purpose, you don’t have to go looking for the information, you have the physical act of writing it which has, I think a link to your creative brain, much more than typing it. It’s easier to look back at previous days. I guess I’m still just not ready to make the full technological leap. Old habits, what we fee comfortable with, die-hard.

Face to face conversations friends/family/network meetings etc.
Still one of my favourite methods of gathering information. For me, it is the most useful way to organize information. Without friends, family and trusted colleagues to discuss ideas, concerns and problems with my mind would be even more of a mess. I use my personal network as a sounding board, devils advocate, consolation, judges panel, support, advice and as a way to battle my way through the situation to find my own answers.
I love discussing topics with people and hearing their point of view, taking it in, discussing differences of opinion and learning, teaching as we go. Exchanging of ideas and values is such great fun for me and is one of the best ways I learn. Especially when you are in a group of giving, trustworthy people who all respect each others differences and love to give as much as receive. Charlie Bidston makes an excellent point in her Blog on Task 3c that I had not considered. Although she feels as I do, that face to face is of huge value, she states that “you cant rely on what people say all the time”. Such a true statement that I had overlooked but that it is vital you bear in mind.  My Dad always used to say, there are always three sides to every story: The two peoples stories and the truth. I should always try to keep in mind that every person has an angle/opinion that they cannot help, but allow to colour what they are saying. I will try to minimize the negative impact this can have by being careful with whom I consult, ensuring that they are a trusted person whose opinion I value and bear in mind their possible biases.

Something that I use, unfailingly every day. As Liam states, it is actually the internet, but what use is the internet without a search engine, Google. It is one of my first thoughts as a source of information, research, answering a question, and teaching tool. I do miss the library but it just takes longer.
My laptop comes with me everywhere, with only a very few exceptions. It has everything stored on it: files, photos, videos, documents, addresses, lists, functions that make projects possible, internet capability, music and additional storage space. I have no home computer so my laptop does it all.

Mobile phone - Contacts list/database
There are days when I spend 5 – 6 hours on my mobile, chatting to businesses, friends, contacts finding out information as well as organizing things. Since I now have an iPhone that automatically syncs with my computers address/contacts book when it’s charging I now have this added benefit. Since starting in the business I have kept quite comprehensive notes on companies/people I have spoken to/worked for/had job offers from to ensure that I can use peoples names when contacting them again, when I spoke to them last and so I can refer to anything we previously discussed. Also helpful to be able to give all the information to others wanting to get into the industry to help them get their foot in. I love being able to use my mobile to call people at times that could otherwise be ‘dead’ time such as driving. I am better able to use the time I have to get done the things I want. It also reminds me of peoples Birthdays/special occasions to do something nice for them.

Personal development material - Books, iPod, seminars
This has been possibly one of the most influential sources of information and tools I have used to assist in sorting my thoughts. Meeting focused, accomplished people with similar interests but very different journeys is one of the best bits, along with the contacts/friendships made and on top of this the personal development and inspiration from the material itself.
I love reading books, although they are a little more time consuming than you could find out the information in them. This I think is part of their charm, to take your time and let you imagination get involved which allows you to engage more in the books message. I read books purely for enjoyment, some for learning about a chosen field/subject and some that others have recommended which broadens my horizons.
My iPod has audio books and seminars on it as well as my favourite inspirational music so that on long journeys I can, if not speaking to people on my mobile, learning, expanding my mind or just keeping my motivation topped up. I had not thought of using my iPod to listen to and find new inspirational songs, even though this may sound a little obvious, in the way that Liam and Charlie mention that they do.

A couple of other methods I use over and above the top 5
Business coach
Inspiration from world around me

Have other people’s ideas influenced me, how could they be useful to me?
I found the suggestions from Sarah, Alicia and Fiona on my Daily planner have given me food for thought. My Useful Daily planner I am trying for the next month simply having blocks of time in which to chill, relax and have fun instead of a formal written down activity in that time slot so I can better roll with the punches and do as I am feeling at that time.
Alicia points of view in her 3c post really sparked my thinking and was written, as always, in a very consider and well measured way which inspires me to emulate her logical, clearly thought out style of writing.
Jo’s brain-storm was very comprehensive and gave me lots of ideas. Also helpful as was Liam’s. His was more of an inspiration to me not to ponder too much and just get on with it.

Have a Merry Christmas all of you and I look forward to seeing/speaking with you in the New Year.

Stay safe - Phil

Sunday 4 December 2011

My Useful Daily planner

Sarah Pearson asked to have a little more detail re my daily planner that i have been using and developing to ensure i get everything done and still have fun. 
I hope that its of some use to some of you. 

Daily planner

There are a number of general overall rules:
Tight (but realistic) time frames must be applied to keep you working with focus.
Colours keep it clear what’s coming next and prevent the overload of  one continuous list of stuff to do.
These colours as well as the categories also allow me to monitor easily where I’m spending my time.
Ensure that clear rewards and down time are unfailingly adhering to, helps keep motivation high throughout extended periods of work.
First job of the day must be the one you want to do least/the hardest job.
Keep job descriptions short, precise and in capital letters. This forces you to be crystal clear on the task, does not give any room for ambiguity/confusion and keeps it from looking scary.
No more than two important tasks must be taken on in any one day.

The current system:
I have broken my activities into 5 categories (purely as this is the number of highlighters I have, 6 would for me be better): BAPP, Fun, Wedding Planning, Property, Other/General daily activities.

Each page of my diary is split into half hour time slots from 6am – 11pm.

The day (normally the evening) before the day in question I pencil in all the bits and pieces for the day allocating an appropriate length of time for each activity. Colour the activities by category.

Then on Sunday I go through that week and add up all the half hour time slots spent in each of the 5 categories and record the number of hours at the bottom of Sunday’s page.

I have begun writing any deviations and additions to the day on the right hand side so I can see how the day went in comparison to how it was planned.

Currently, I lightly pencil onto the bottom of each page notes of things that need to be done on that day as I think of them throughout the week. Then when I get to planning that day I rub them out as I allocate time slots to them.

I have experimented with attempting to keep similar activities with each other to keep in that same head space, hat on, as well as breaking them up to allow a fresh set of eyes and renewed energy.
This does not work with BAPP work, I need to do this in one or no more than two  blocks of time.

Room for improvement
At the moment there is a lack of flexibility in the system.
When things go according to plan then its great, having to rub out the notes is not ideal but I have no space (if I’m writing amendments to the schedule on the right hand side) to just leave them.

Writing the notes in pencil and then having to re write them in pen when I firm up the plans is frustrating. At what point do the number of categories become more of a hindrance than a help.
What category do I put eating/showering, work/panto into as well as just sitting chatting watching TV. Is it important to classify these. Should every half hour I’m awake be classified or should I just classify the important ones.
These are a few of the current limitations or areas that could do with tweaking. As I continue to use it, it will develop further I would hope.
I am very open to ideas/suggestions on how to improve this or other ways I can try, as well as totally different ways that you have found work for you.

I hope in a while to see a pattern developing in the times I am most productive, and things I am still avoiding etc.

Weekly Goals & preventing overwhelm
In addition to the above I also keep a word document split into 5 categories onto which I record EVERY thought, idea in its appropriate section. On Sunday I go through the items on each individual page and draw out the 3-4 most important from each and put them into my weekly goals (also broken up into 5 categories). This page (weekly goals page) is the only one I look at throughout the week. If any other ideas, jobs come up they get instantly placed into its category. This helps prevent overwhelm by knowing that all jobs are recorded so will not be forgotten but not constantly under your nose so as to fill your head with all that is to be done. All items are given a number from 1-4 depending on its relevance to your ultimate plan and the time frame in which it needs to be completed.
1 – not important & not urgent, 2 – not important & urgent, 3 – important & not urgent, 4 – important & urgent. The idea is to spend as much time completing the 3 and 4 region activities and avoid as much as possible region 2 and definitely region 1 activities.
This scale is the deciding factor as to the order in which the items make it onto your weekly goals page. This helps you get used to seeing the real importance and urgency of jobs, so less important jobs that appear important due to their need to be done quickly are not mistakenly given priority over one with a less pressing time frame but of much more overall value to your bigger plan.

Please do let me know if you use it, how you get on and any changes you make to it as they could really help improve it. 
Also please, as ever, do leave your critical views, i love opportunities to improve or see things from a different angle.

Stay safe - Phil

Saturday 26 November 2011

Task 3b – Theories relating to networking

Hey Guys
Who knew that there was so much to Networking. 
Really interesting but it was like reading through syrup at times. 
Anyway I hope you find it interesting. 

Task 3b – Theories relating to networking

Everyone is trying to make there own way in the world. Everyone is ultimately doing what’s best for him or her. If this is the case, on the occasions where it could be mutually beneficial to cooperate, how do you ensure that BOTH people gain?

1 – Who makes the first move (Initial Viability)
2 – Finding a way that works (Robustness)
3 – Keep it working, stop others from taking advantage (Stability)

Game Theory was my first great eye opener in this new exploration of the Professional Network.
There’s an audition tomorrow where they are looking for ONE guy/ TWO guys. I’m going, but do I contact my friend to see if he would like me to get him in to? Would they do the same for me in return. We both get the job, my friend gets the job and I don’t, I get the job but my friend doesn’t, neither of us gets the job. What is the end result of all of this? Would I help them, or others again if I get my fingers burnt?
Game Theory is very helpful to keep in mind as I am naturally a little too trusting. Keeping this idea in my head will keep fresh, that people are out for them selves and that you cannot assume that they have the same intentions/desired outcomes as you.
Obviously the potential scenarios are almost limitless, each one would change the probable outcomes so this limits, in part, the usefulness of this concept, but still the theory is an interesting one to keep in mind, and a large wake up call as to the self benefiting motivations that drive people (combined with the lack of wanting the other to benefit if you are not).
The Tit for Tat theory, the idea of repayment in kind or of equivalent retaliation, does not factor in alliances, friendships and is not as effective against groups. So the concept of using this, if they are nice I’ll be nice, and visa versa idea, does not work in anything other than the theoretical world.
It does however raise some very interesting ideas.
The first of these is Reciprocal altruism. This is a behaviour whereby an organism acts in a manner that temporarily reduces its fitness while increasing another organism's fitness, with the expectation that the other organism will act in a similar manner at a later time. The concept was initially developed by Robert Trivers to explain the evolution of cooperation as instances of mutually altruistic acts.
I don’t like the idea of only doing something with the expectation that the favour must be returned.
I would much prefer to deal/network with people who were superrational. The concept of superrationality (or renormalized rationality) was coined by Douglas Hofstadter, in his article series and book "Metamagical Themas". Superrationality is a type of rational decision making which is different than the usual game-theoretic one, since a superrational player playing against a superrational opponent in a prisoner's dilemma will cooperate while a game-theoretically rational player will defect.
This means that we would both have the others best interest at heart which is the value of carefully selecting your joint venture partners. As a result you would be much more effective together as you would not be having to look over your shoulder to check that the other is doing as he should.
What have I learned from the above? Many people are out for themselves, which is OK as long as you bare this in mind. I can use these lessons to more thoroughly vet my potential partners and finally that things are potentially much easier, you are much more powerful, when in a group.

The affiliation section was very interesting as it raised more questions for me than it answered.
I found the concept that different people require different levels of need for affiliation fascinating. It goes some way to explain why some people appear to have the need to know and be friends with everyone whilst others are content with a more compact network. It also helps me understand that these people are not using this mass of contacts anymore than a person with a small group. They merely have an instinctive need for greater levels (in this case numbers rather than strength of relationships) of affiliation. They are not false, users or bad people they simply are wired differently towards feelings of connection.

It talks, in Reader3, of growing our professional network sideways (to others of an equivalent level) and upwards into the established hierarchy. My experience has been that those sideways of me offer support and to an extent also teaching, whilst those contacts upwards of me are for advancement/job opportunities. Are these upward associations (with the exception of some genuine contacts) a little more false and merely relationships of convenience. Are sideways contacts more likely to be genuine, stronger bonded relationships. Is it Quality or Quantity of contacts that is most important. Is there an element of having to sell yourself out to an extent to increase the chances of career advancement. Unless you are lucky enough to have a genuine contact that is upwards of you or a current sideways contact that gets a step up to upwards of you to who is then able to help.
People naturally hunger for affiliation. I do not think that many would dispute the huge benefits a healthy supportive network of people around you brings. However we are discussing Professional Networks here. I do not think that affiliation is as important in this area as it is in your personal network.

I really struggle with “playing the game”. It feels like I am compromising my integrity. Unless, as I said above, you are lucky enough to have a true relationship as an upwards contact, do you have to pander to upwards people in the hope that either now or in the future this could be of benefit to you?
If affiliations were “a network of support that will help us when we are in need” (Crisp & Turner 2007 pp266), then would these upward contacts really help us? What is in it for them, if they are truly upwards of your current position?
If nothing else I now have a greater understanding and therefore a new tolerance of those Professional networking beavers that strive to amass huge numbers of contacts for their professional gain.

“all knowledge, and therefore all meaning…is…constricted in and out of interaction between human beings and their world” (Crotty, M 2005).
Having finished the last section of this module not that long ago this of course instantly made me think of the need to notice that you are having an experience to have any chance of turning it into knowledge through the process of critical reflection (learning).
Constructionism brings together objectivity and subjectivity. (Humphrey 1993) explains that before we were around on the planet all the ‘worldstuff’ was here. It was only named, characterised and feelings about them formed when we arrived. So the stuff that existed before we were aware of it is fact, objective. The subjective or opinions only came to pass only once we arrived and began having classifying and attempting to understand our surroundings.
“we do not create meaning…we construct meaning” (Crotty, M 2005). When you add this to the above idea of reflecting on the subject and forming an opinion this only tells half the story. It is only as you reflect and, most often, unbeknown to you put your own views onto it that it becomes Constructionism. You cannot help but see things through your own set of experiences (put your own colour on it).
Through writing this I have discovered that I have been looking at certain points through my own learned experiences, resulting in a missed opportunity in my professional networking. If it is us who give our own meaning to the different aspects of our world, we can decide if something is going to be interpreted by us as good or bad. Previously, in the affiliation section, I was discussing how I did not like playing the game, how these advantageous to your career contacts seemed a little false and made me feel like my integrity was being compromised. I now realize that this view was being strongly influenced by my own learned negative social baggage. I can choose to see it this way or I can choose to re frame this opinion. I can reconstruct my views on professional networks to see them as a more positive, helpful and necessary connection.

I love the idea of choosing what you learn and the effectiveness in the way that you are choosing to learn within the context of the changing world.  You can have the best information/knowledge in the world at you disposal but unless you make the connection with a way to use/apply it then it is useless. “The value of pattern recognition and connecting our own small worlds of knowledge are apparent in the exponential impact provided to our personal learning”(Siemens, G. 2004). In many industries the person who earns the most money/success is the middleman, the one who puts (connects) two mutually beneficial elements together, an agent, Google or stock broker for instance.
Our networks used to be our Google search and are in some ways now of much less use than the Internet with its speed and wealth of knowledge. However the Internet can never replace the personal one to one advice and living the actual experience. Take an audition as an example. You may be able to find someone’s top audition tips/techniques but it cannot give you the personal and individualized advice, help and support that a colleague within your professional network can provide and visa versa. It also cannot provide you with that reassuring feeling that someone out there cares, and is rooting for you, and will probably call you afterwards to find out how it went. “Amplification of learning, knowledge and understanding through the extension of a personal network is the epitome of Connectivism” (Siemens, G. 2004). How can I apply this principle? By realizing that networks are not just about getting a foot up the ladder, they are about an almost endless source of everything and anything you need or want. Through your connections you become infinitely more than just you on your own.

This is my personal favourite way of learning. By submerging yourself into an environment you not only learn through association you also have a sense of identity, a shared vision that enhances learning (such as learning Italian by living in Italy rather than in a classroom). I attend many Professional networking events but the ones from which I get the most are the relaxed, informal gatherings for a meal. I love the fact that whatever level you are at you can ‘bring something to the party’ and contribute something to the group as a whole. You form incredibly strong bonds and develop a real sense of belonging, pick up contacts and potential joint venture partners as well as answers to problems you did not know you had yet. When meeting with these same people in a more formal settings (which you could argue are no longer communities of practice as there is now a definite hierarchy) you can gain most of the same advantages but they are more intentionally done rather than a happy byproduct. One of the main benefits that I had not realized until reading through the information was the benefit of identity and standing for something that being part of a group can bring. As an attendee of the above group I gain a huge sense of pride and identity (what I stand for) as well as confidence in the work that I & we are doing.

I will definitely explore more my feelings towards the upward contacts and my relationships with them. If I can reset my preconceptions about them being rather disingenuous then it can only help me in my career advancement. I am delighted to have realized that through the less formal (therefore more fun) interactions within our communities of practice I can feel better placed to contribute and take from it a clearer sense of identity in the way I choose to work. I can now ensure that my communities are only those that I am proud to be associated with. With my new understanding of Connectivity I will have my eyes wide open for opportunities as well as feel endlessly resourceful. I hope that through my critical reflection, to continue making connections within my own life that will help me both professionally and personally. Finally I feel that I have more of an understanding of what makes people tick when networking. Most people are out for them selves in any given situation and people naturally have different levels of need for affiliation. This I can use to both tolerate the many frustrating behaviour's often associated with networking as well as realizing the importance of fully trusting, and thereby fully vetting, potential cooperators to ensure we have the same mutually beneficial outcome in mind and the others best interests at heart.

That's it folks. 
Hope you are all doing really well on your own works of art.
I look forward to looking over and commenting on your own take on this task.
On to the next Task. 

Stay safe - Phil

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Task 3a: Current Networks

I spent a couple of days thinking, talking, drawing and writing about my Networks. I tried looking at them in various ways to see if it would reveal any interesting points.
First I tried looking at my life in general to see all the places and people in my whole life. Following major events, jobs, places I lived, study, relationships etc and all the people/contacts made during each of these points of my life.
Then writing down all the areas on which I spend the majority of my days.
Then I categorized these into the 7 areas I have previously used to attempt to keep balance in my life. Hobbies, Relationship, Friends & Family, Money, Personal Development, Career, Giving/Contribution.
Finally I used a Balloon map to see where the current flow of my energy into my Networks is going.

Could also do:
Time I have known people
Where I know people from
People in my address book
Frequency of contact with them
Who helps me/ who doesn’t and whom I am helping
How they relate towards my ultimate goal of Financial Freedom
Connections within my Network, who knows who else.
Layers of connections
Network applied to a specific goal

Primarily I ring or meet up with people within my Network or that I want to become within it. I have in the past, but infrequently, emailed, Facebooked, txt and skyped them to. Almost never write letters, and have just signed up to Twitter, Linked In and Blogging so will continue exploring their use in Networking.
I know that many successful Networkers use the same approaches as those I have identified already but through their use of a built up database of contacts they regularly txt, email, Facebook and even cold call people to achieve their objectives in Networking. Not sure how I feel about this blanket approach but I have seen it in action and it does work to an extent. It certainly saves energy but seems a little cold and inpersonal.

I could look to exploit these new technologies and use their easily scaleable power more. I could also use my calls and meetings to more of a Networking benefit and concentrate more on using Networking to find and vet potential Joint Venture partners to take businesses forward and plug my skill inadequacies. I need to become more efficient in my ways of Networking as at the moment I easily become spread to thinly.

Three years ago I decided to go through all of my personal Network of friends and identify which were the ones I would miss most if I no longer had them in my life. I made the decision based on whom I enjoyed spending time with and got the most, both socially and emotionally, from. In addition to this I thought about to whom I enjoyed giving to most. I felt as though I did not have regular enough contact with these most important people in my life. I was spreading my self too thinly trying to be everything to everyone and achieving, at best, mediocrity at it all. I wanted to devote the lion share of my time and energy to those I got the most from, my closest, nearest and dearest. I am much better than before and do have much more regular contact with them. Most months I send them all an updating email entitled The Flipper Chronicle. In which I write my thought and activities, events of that last month or two so everyone keeps up to speed on my life and future wishes. I have recently also started using it to get those most important to me to hold me to account. I will let them know what I intend to do that month towards my goals and then next issue/month I will tell them what I have accomplished, to great ridicule if I have not, without a very good reason, completed what I set out to. I still need to work on the format of how this works but the principle is there.
My personal Network is the most important to me. They keep me balanced and are my true success. I realized recently that no matter how much financial or career success you feel you have, they count for nothing if you have no one to share them with.

My Personal Power Network will lead me forward. It will be a strong close core of loved ones (15 or so people). Then very clearly defined bubbles of ethical people I enjoy working with in each of the 3-4 other areas of my career. The other areas will just be as needed acquaintances but nothing that I spend much time maintaining. This to me seems clear, manageable, easy and fulfilling, with no energy drainers or others who do not have your best interest at heart. Then you can relax, open up fully, and trust all those around you.
To do this I would need to clearly define, and therefore decide on the definite areas of my career. Find suitable joint venture partners and mentors/coaches. Continue nurturing my core relationships. And further making the difficult decisions on who can be in it and who is not.

Moving my Flipper Chronicles onto a Blog that my loved ones can view and comment on could potentially improve upon whilst still achieving what my current method, The Flipper Chronicle, of keeping in touch with everyone.
I don’t know if they would all be into interacting on the Blog. Some may feel it’s a bit cold or too technological for them.

How much do I actually offer to my Networks, how much do I take and how do they view me. I can only imagine that, in my business, to some I offer my expertise to and to others more advanced than me the possibility of a sale. In performing, I would say that I do not offer anything other than my skills to employers but to others…only my social self. My personal Network I support in many ways and in return I get advice, love and fun. I think that I am generally viewed as a unique, alternative, loyal, friendly and personable person. Possibly a little erratic but very focused.

The amount of time and energy I have and where I spend it has come out as very important throughout this exercise.