Sunday 25 September 2011

1st Post

Hi everyone

Well it feels so long since the orientation day on the 15th and I am only now getting round to setting up THIS... my 1st ever Blog! Sorry i did not get a chance to meet more of you, but those i did, it was great chatting with you. I really enjoyed that first day and am really excited at how much I know that we are all going to get out of this course. Please drop me a line and lets all pool our thought/ knowledge and have a laugh.

This is something i always wanted to get started but never made it enough of a priority, thanks BAPP for the push. I feel so grown up (and hip/down with the new technology).

Rather than over analysing things and never actually starting, for fear of it not being; perfect/ interesting/ clever and terribly witty, i thought I'd just start somewhere and it can only get better!?!

Today i set up my Google mail account and got this all synced up to my iphone and this blog site too. Watched all the Youtube tutorials and tomorrow i shall sort out the RSS and wikis (maybe even upload a video onto Youtube!?!) and continue to play around/ familiarise myself with all this new fun stuff. Also have a proper look (only briefly flicked through a couple so far) through all the awesome blogs and, hopefully, get some ideas for tweaking my own to improve it.

As yet i still don't quite have faith in what blogging will bring, but i am 100% ready to have my eyes opened and will no doubt become addicted to it before the months out and finally see the use and power of these social media tools.

I look forward to BLOGGING with you all shortly (just have to figure out how to find you all now...I'll get there).

Stay safe all of you - Phil

ps - Let me know your thought on the set up of the site (what feelings does it conjure up, happy/ free/ unease) and if theres anything you think i could or should change (and... of course... (critique it) say WHY?)