Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Hands up who else feels a little lost!

Just a little thought to those other souls feeling as lost as me.

It’s really quite frustrating just how much I get in my own way. I am taking this Task 1b by the horns and just getting “something” down. I will “then” reflect on it and improve it, rather than trying to do all these steps at the same time and produce the final polished article. I know that this is the whole concept  of BAPP, certainly of this first module, but a life time habit is hard to break. 

To any of you others out there worrying, second guessing yourselves, procrastinating, over analysing (anal-lysing), sweating over producing something that is anything other than “perfect” GET OVER YOURSELVES as the Australians say and just do something, start, go on (I’ll try and listen to my own advice). In the words of Doctor Pepper – WHAT’S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN.

Alan hit the nail on the head (I would expect nothing else) the other day in his post titled Starting out on BAPP Arts - Confused? If you have not yet read it is a very reassuring Blog. At the end he saysAt the core of all learning is the unknown.
The unknown by very definition is out of your current circle of understanding, things you do not yet know. And the unknown is always scary. That is great though, because that journey into the unknown and what you learn/feel along the way is what this course is all about. Blog it, we are all in the same boat. You are most definitely not alone in any of your fears/ doubts, you can guarantee that many others are feeling exactly the same.

Just some thoughts that may help someone (to myself as much as anyone else). 


  1. Hey there Phil!
    I just stumbled upon your blog and this entry, quite by chance.
    It really hits the nail in the head for me-I started on the program quite late now- my application is actually still being processed and since I live in Germany it makes popping down for a campus-session a little harder ((O;

    So I just feel like putting up a little hand here, saying "yes" I am also a little confused, procrastinating, over anal-lysing and trying to build a bridge to get over myself...!!

    Thanx for your thoughts here...they are not only helpful, but are a little kick in the rear to inspire me!!

  2. Hey Fiona
    I hope that you are following this thread and get this reply.
    Im really glad that you got something out of my public self talk.
    If I can do anything to help then please do not hesitate to shout. It can be additionally difficult with the totally self lead study (self doubt increases ten fold) but as long as you are beginning to ask your self questions about topics that you may previously may have just accepted or been oblivious to then you are on your way. Add to this a forming of an opinion on these new questions and you are there. Just remember to keep Blogging about it as this acts as your proof of the process.
    Auf Weidersein!
    Stay safe - Phil
